British restaurant
British restaurant

Alpine Lodge

Happy Valley Rd, Llandudno LL30 2LR



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Alpine Lodge


  • British restaurant

Service options

  • Dine-in


  • Coffee

Dining options

  • Dessert



Gemma Smith

Amazing place, with amazing views! We kept calling it the “Canada lodge” because it felt like you were in another country up there. Service was great and the food was lovely! Highly recommend taking a trip up there!

ian brocklehurst

A superb place to visit. A good location. The staff are excellent and they work hard to keep on top of the situation when very busy. And are still friendly ????. Plenty to do if you want to be active or just enjoy the views.

giannis maximos

Went morning for breakfast with my family, such a big disappointment, only bacon sandwich or sausage, that's all for breakfast to choose. Of course we left. So beautiful place inside the mountain with great view and such a disappointment.

Opening Hours

Opening Hours



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