(Hessle Sporting Club)


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Joe Leslie

Nice changing rooms for players and great pitches but horrid environment.

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rebecca beal

My three children all attend Hessle sporting club. I use the facilities and appreciate all the work people provide for young people within the community. I have eaten there numerous times, likewise my children have. Any issues I feel should be discussed within rather than on social media. Why try to damage the reputation of a voluntary organisation. I personally organise the Halloween event there giving up my time with my family for other people. Perhaps if your so concerned you could give up some time to help sort. If you would like further information regarding volunteering due to your clear concerns pop into the club house someone with such experience would be much appreciated x regards

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Katherine Billinger

Thankyou for your comment rebbeca I am now aware that the kitchen has had a deep clean and is beautifully clean therefore the team obvs felt my comments relevant so well done guys. I do help out at the centre very regularly hence my initial concerns.its a excellent service that we all in the local community just want it to be even better.

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Steven Lapping

Come along to help coach my boys team and there was no referee so as itcame about your referee was injured so i kindly ssid i would ref the game not much happened first half few late tackles few pushes as per u14 football but as it goes referee never right second half came along then your ref said he would do second half ok no worries end of match came we won 5 0 no dramas just teenagers enjoying fiotball great .went to car as one of your parents drove past me he started swearing at me i was shocked ss my lad wss sat next to me and saw full incident the parent never stopped never stopped just drove away i dont thunj it reflects well on your club

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Stephen Allen

Went for a game of walking football and throughly enjoyed it. Great club,well ran with a friendly atmosphere ???? ????

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