(Lil' Danny Speedo's Go Fly a Kite Lounge)


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Melissa Padilla

It's an East End staple. Not a ton of parking but you're going to want to ride share anyways. Friendly staff, plenty of drink options. We recently went for a BBQ pop-up, excited to hear Willow will be opening a joint nearby. Grab a drink and enjoy the nice patio on a gorgeous H-Town day. Entertainment inside & a video game. Love the decor and the vibe.

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Nbetzy Guzman

First bar I’ve been to that provides women’s personal emergency needs(super cool) everyone’s very nice, the bar is clean. The pupusas we had last night were delicious! I’ll definitely be back!

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Jorge Diaz

It was brisk winter afternoon as I longed for a sub-ambient tempered beverage to distract myself from my labor induced woes. Was greeted by the perfect shade of purple plastered on the side of what some people would see as a mere building but others 4 corners of salvation. The air was fitting as my ears were graced by pure 2006 teenage nostalgia in the form of in what i can only describe as the perfectly curated string of musical examples. My vision gleefully drawn to their digital entertainment in that of Street Fighter 2 and the more analog Indiana Jones pinball, but ah what is this...a utmost glorious vending machine offering the finest of what was one of the original cash crops that help build this fine country, Tobacco. The bartender lovely and optimistic asking in which form i wish to cure my woeful ailment, deep down she already knows and need not ask but the gesture of interpersonal conversation in always appreciated. As i consume my masterfully crafted elixir sitting under the conveniently hung holiday lights strung on the ceiling I take in the beauty of old and new friends conversing about the black and white movie on the ironic colored TV, a man with his canine companion enjoying a game of billiards, a young woman bashfully reading a piece of hard covered literature in a booth. An upmost unique and exuberant scene one could never plan only to fall into place genuinely. In time I was whisked away from the confines of reality and the outside world and found the place of comfort in my own diversion of self thought in which i longed for from the start of this journey. All in all the mediocre pain that is Tuesday was once again dissolved, I must say I don't Know who Lil Danny is but i would one day like to shake his hand and perhaps share the indulgence of flying a kite.

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Saurabh Pande

Great prices. Great food pop ups. They really take care of their patrons. A perfect Houston dive. Come through.

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Hannah Tabasco

Great little bar on the size of the road. It's pretty small, but you don't have to be a regular to feel welcomed. The bar staff is always friendly. Drinks are cheap, and they have an interesting selection of beers. They have indoor and outdoor seating. Pool is available to play for $1.

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