(NN Pizzeria & Cafe)


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nebojsa krkobabic


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Dino Dino


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Kalli Meister

The pizzaria has been in Bielefeld for a long time. No matter when we are there, there are always friendly and child-loving staff on site. The pizza slices are relatively cheap and very tasty. My favorite is the pepper pizza. You can eat outside or inside. The ambience is lovingly designed to be cozy. Instead of eating upstairs at the loom where it is usually crowded, this is a good alternative,

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Walk with Jonas

Great load. Pizza old and classic, like from childhood. Not fancy, not crazy. Simply simple and good. Gladly again!

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Johan de Graaf

I'll look for the positive first: not a chain, maybe a family business. Costs normal. But service lackluster, pizza slices for example. T loveless. Guest room uncomfortable and moderately clean. Pizza tasted acceptable, but not crispy at all.

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