(Sapowet Marsh)


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Amy Monteiro

So beautiful here. We kayaked amongst a handful of egrets. Their everywhere. When you walk in it's nice to swim too. I saw teenagers jumping off of the bridge near by. We checked when high tide would be. I'll definitely come back here. It was so peaceful.

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Dr. Bader

What a lovely small spot. You can park there if you would like to enjoy the scenery. When i parked, i saw some people Barbecuing. I am not sure if that is fine to do so there nor i encourage it for this spot doesn’t seem to support such an activity. And for some reason if you still want to bbq, please make sure you do not leave any trace— yes, carry your trash with you. Other than that, I would say its a lovely spot to park a bit on your way to your main destination.

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CGJ Brown

Excellent spot to enjoy nature and the marsh. Beautiful views, very peaceful.

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Marie Ricarte 2nd Acct

Beautiful place to walk the shoreline

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Joanne G

If you look hard enough, RI has so much to discover. These marshes were everything and more!! It was breathtaking

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