
Hilltop Inn

3472 Airport Rd, Berlin, VT 05602



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Hilltop Inn


  • Hotel


  • Pool
  • Free parking
  • Free breakfast
  • Free Wi-Fi
  • Star rating
  • Check-out time
  • Check-in time


  • Free Wi-Fi
  • Free breakfast



The rooms have mold, the staff is rude, and they will kick you out over the littlest thing even if it's as simple as me raising my voice having a conversation with my mother on the phone they kicked me out because of it and they didn't even ask me if I could lower my voice. And if they would have just asked I would have politely done so and kept my volume to a minimum. But instead they kicked me out when I've never done anything wrong to these people and I was always nice to them. The manager turned her back on me when I thought she was a decent person. It's sad ??????????????????

Krishjan Lyon

Went to visit my aunt today and was beyond disgusted. I'm not sure if they do welfare checks on people, but they def should as it smells like death. Like straight up, like somebody died in there. There's no mistaking the smell of death...

Teddie Lawson

This hotel is currently a part of VTs program that helps house people who need housing. They do have rooms available for ppl traveling, however staff is not geared to hospitality. Currently not a place I would recommend for families, white collar, or females traveling alone.

Opening Hours

Opening Hours



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